Saturday, June 18, 2011

Swimmer's Gill

What makes fish gills more problematic than then rest of the body is that we can't really see what is going on. Many times, when you can tell that the fish is sick, the damage is too advanced that it is untreatable. In turn, early diagnosis and treatment is key.

Signs of gill trouble:
-Fish respiring heavily. Judge this by comparing the movement with other fish.
-Fish laying on the bottom of ponds for long periods, not eating.
-Fish only using one gill, keeping the other against its body.
-Affected fish segregating itself and staying alone near the surface.
-Strands of mucus trailing from the gills.
-Fish laying on the bottom of the pond with both fins clamped to side.

-Most gill diseases can be avoided with good water management practices.
-Check your pond water for ammonia, nitrite, pH.
-If several fish are affected, somewhere between 50-75% of the water should be changed.
-Examine your fish for parasites.
-In advanced stages, the chances of survival is not good. Prevention is the best way to make sure your fish are safe.


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